
Software Privacy Policy


We collect your personal data for the use of the Website and/or Service. Detailed information about the processing of your personal data is provided in this Privacy Policy.

This page informs you about our policy regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you, as a User of this Website (hereinafter "You" or "User"), use this Website.

By using the Website, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in the terms of use of our Website.

By clicking "Continue," you grant us permission to send you emails (or phone calls) about our offers. If you decide not to receive emails anymore, you can always opt out at any time at the bottom of each email. Software respects the privacy of everyone visiting our websites. This Privacy Statement contains notification about the standards and conditions under which Software protects the privacy of information provided by visitors to websites owned and operated by Software, including Software and Software. This Privacy Statement contains notification about our methods of collecting information and how we use your information. This policy may change from time to time, so please periodically review this information.

Personal Information

Software generally collects specific data about visitors to its website only when such information is provided voluntarily, for example, when our visitors request information, purchase or register for services, open a support ticket, provide resume information for employment opportunities, or send us an email. Of course, some of these actions require you to provide us with information, such as when you make a purchase, use a credit card to pay for services, submit your resume, or request certain types of information. When you provide Software with personal information through one of our websites, it will be used to fulfill your specific request. In most cases, you will have the opportunity to choose whether you want Software to use this information for additional purposes or not. You may also request that Software not use your information by sending an email to: office@tiktok.trade, however, Software reserves the right at its discretion to send you newsletters and other important information about your Software services. In the absence of any instructions from you, Software may use the information you provided to inform you about additional services and products offered by the Software group of companies, authorized agents of Software, and other vendors of goods and services with whom Software has relationships and whose offerings may be of interest to you. However, Software will not sell or exchange your personal information, unless we are authorized or required to do so by law, or in the case of imminent physical harm to the visitor or others. On those Software websites where you can provide Software with a credit card or other information for ordering online, Software protects and secures that information using commercially available web security and encryption protocols, examples of which include Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Secure Electronic Transaction (SET). On those websites where you voluntarily provide any feedback, data, responses, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, etc., Software will treat that information as non-confidential and non-proprietary and, unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Statement, Software assumes no obligation to protect such information from disclosure. Examples in these materials should not be construed as promises or guarantees of earnings. Potential income depends entirely on the person using our product, ideas, methods, and efforts. We do not consider it a "get rich quick scheme," and you should not view it as such.

Non-Personal Information (General)

In general, Software automatically collects some general information. General information does not reveal the identity of the visitor. It typically includes information about the internet address assigned to your computer, the number and frequency of visitors, and the pages visited on Software's websites. Software collects this information for the limited purpose of determining customer service and website needs. We achieve this through certain technologies, including cookies (a technology that may be used to provide visitors with personalized information about Software's services). Software does not combine information collected in this manner with any personal information. You can configure your browser to notify you of receiving a cookie and to refuse it.

Methods and Principles of Personal Data Processing

We respect your privacy and process your information in a dignified, lawful manner in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws. If you are in the European Union, we process your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation; "GDPR").

To prevent unauthorized disclosure and use of personal data by unauthorized parties, as well as to prevent other types of security breaches of the processed personal data, we have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures.

In the event of any security breach involving personal data processing that poses a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we will immediately notify you via our email address.

If you have not given prior consent, we will not process your personal data.

Processed Personal Data

Personal data processing occurs after it is entered into the registration form on the Site. By submitting the registration form, you agree to enter into an agreement with us, under which we facilitate communication between the Goods and/or Services provider (Advertiser) and you, for the purpose of processing your request for entering into a contract with the Advertiser to purchase Services or Products advertised on the Site.

IP addresses and cookies of our website users are collected and processed by us. Cookies are small data fragments sent by a web server and stored on your computer. This data helps us improve the operation of our website. You can refuse cookies by disabling them in your browser settings; however, restricting the use of cookies may affect the performance of our website.

You confirm that all personal data you provide is accurate, truthful, and correct. You are responsible for any damage caused by providing incorrect personal information.

Methods of Processing Personal Data

Personal data processing is carried out automatically. The processing of personal data is performed automatically; this process cannot lead to any legal consequences or otherwise affect you.

Personal data processing may be delegated to other mass mailing service providers, processors, as well as IT and cloud service providers. Additionally, we may delegate part or all of the processing to a processor, mass mailing service provider, IT service provider, and cloud service provider. The selection of processors is done with the utmost care to ensure that your personal data is protected at all times during processing.

To use the Service, you need to provide your personal data to Advertisers.

Data may be transferred to any country worldwide. Advertisers and processors are recipients of your personal data. For the execution of the contract between us, it is necessary to transfer your personal data to Advertisers, as stated in the Terms. The transfer of personal data is carried out with adequate precautions to ensure proper protection of your personal data.

Legal Bases and Duration of Personal Data Processing

To provide you with quality Services, we need to process the personal data you provided in the registration form or provided in any other way. Data processing is carried out during the period of providing you with services in accordance with the Terms.

IP address, email address, and information obtained from cookies are processed for sending you notifications about services and products related to the Website, as well as information about commercial opportunities that may interest you. Among commercial offers, you may find advertisers or other business partners. Personal data processing is carried out with your consent (marked in the registration form). You have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection of personal data without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on such consent before its withdrawal, as well as processing carried out on other legal grounds apart from your consent. Processing of your email address for this purpose will continue until you withdraw your consent.

Data Subject Rights

Under GDPR, you have the following data subject rights:

To exercise these rights, please contact us via email: office@tiktok.trade

Security of Data

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data and prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: office@tiktok.trade

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